
For car lovers out there..i need a little help

by Steven John Carlo Sevilla
Created 22 Oct, 2023 | Philippines
$10 raised of $5,000 goal 0.20%
  • 1 Donation
  • No deadline
Hi everyone, i hope i could knock into your hearts, my name is john and I've had an accident 3 weeks ago i had an minor concussion buts its all good, sad thing is that the only way i could make an income took the worst damage, it's my very first car i bought with my own money from working day and night, some drunk driver almost crashed to my door side so i had to take a hard right and crashed into a wall my headlight, hood, bumper and everything at the right side of my car took alot of damage from the crash and i hope someone could help even with a little donations for me to start Thank you very much
  • John Doe
    John Doe donated $10
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